Called to Serve

Called to Serve

Monday, June 15, 2015

A Very Imperfect T-shirt "on this life"! June 1st, 2015

Zravo družina!
Kako ste?
 Thanks again for all the updates! They mean the world to this sestra in a very small part of it! This week was really great and we got two unexpected calls from president! The first: he called us and told us our transfer news, that Sister Robertson and i would be staying in Maribor for another transfer!! If we would be Sister training leaders together. I am not exactly sure everything that entails but I look forward to any assignment that the President gives! I am excited for this next transfer and know I am going to learn A LOT. The second call was on Saturday morning...we got invited to quickly go to Zagreb, Croatia. They had the Croatia district conference and an Area 70 came and they did not have anyone to play the piano. So I got some quality piano  time, some quality president and his family time, and some quality train time this weekend. It was really awesome! And it is really great to be back where I can understand the people better.
Train Ride through BEAUTIFUL Slovenia

This week we got to have 2 member lessons!! Both went really well and it is always great to hear the testimony of members. I would rather have someone come into the church and get the blessings by way of a member any day over being found by a missionary. Member work is so powerful. So having them on our lessons with investigators makes all the difference! We also got to visit two members who I have not really gotten to know yet and both of them really opened up and I feel like I am getting to know this small branch better which is a big blessing in order to have the work progress!
Also..apparantly my English is suffering. I did not even notice but apparantly multiple times I have been saying 'on' life. Rather than 'in life'.... and while explaing my gratitude for the holy ghost I told her I felt like a very 'imperfect t-shirt.' (Aka teacher) We are really working on Slovene and I love learning this language. My comp is also super willing to speak it with me so that is helpful.
While I was in Zagreb this Elder of the 70 said something that really hit home for me. He said that if we wanted to learn anthing from these meetings we would need to be willing to act on what we learn from the spirit. He did not say 'what you will learn from me.' Sometimes the spirit is trying to teach us something that maybe we are not looking for and sometimes we learn lovely bits of gospel information, but it does not mean anything if we are not willing to ACT on what the spirit teaches us. So as you go to church this week, study the book of mormon, have family night, whatever it is . . . listen to what you are really supposed to be learning and be prepared to act on it! That is my goal for the week.
Well, I love you all and am grateful for your prayers and support! You are always in mine. I know this church is true family and I am so grateful for my Savior who makes it all possible. Have an amazing week!
Sestra Rhodes 
(This picture is from Penni Bailey who was traveling in Croatia and saw Erin at church!)

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