Called to Serve

Called to Serve

Monday, August 31, 2015

Take Two and Temple Trip - Aug. 17th, 2015

Zdravo draga družina!
Sounds like life is picking up speed again there in the states and that you all had a fun week. We had a pretty great week over here in Maribor. I really love this place, it is pretty beautiful and I have grown up accostumed to the Maribor accent, it is crazy how many different accents there are in Slovenia, when it is such a small country. Someone look that up on google and tell me if there are some facts to back this up.
Biggest events going on right now? 1 We have zone conference tomorrow here in Maribor! Everyone will be coming here and all the missionaries will learn and have meetings and lunch and build our spirits for the work. :) Also, one of our members here in Maribor wants to serve a mission, so we invited her to come and feel the spirit and I am really excited for her to come! She is awesome and speaks better English than Slovene.
2 Remember that outside of Maribor tracking stuff? We are going at it a second time. Only this time we are switching areas with the Elders...maybe some peopel will like the sisters better. Just kidding, it's gauranteed. ;) It is taking a lot of faith to go out there again, when we entirely trackted it out two months I studied all the times in the scriptures when the Lord commanded people to 'go back' for the plates, to teach hard-hearted people . . . the times are countless. So I am confident the Lord has prepared someone in the last two months, we will give them all another chance. :)
3 The coolest part of my week, all the members came back from the Frankfurt temple trip. Sister Robertson and I had been working with a member here to try and do family history and make it possible to do baptisms for her parents...we worked with it a lot and put pictures online and everything but ended up running into some weird computer difficulties. So we sent her with the information to the temple and told her what to ask for at the family history center there. When she came back, not only did she get baptized for them, but she had others help her so they could receive their endowments and get ceiled! She bore her testimony on how they are together and got teary and it was one of my favorite moments. The same member frequently prints out photos of us from our varies activities here in Maribor and gives them to us. She is really wonderful and I am learning so much about love and patience from all these members here in Maribor.
  That about sums up this week. Coming up next week: 20 people with baptismal dates from the Slovenia zone. :)
 I love and think of you all often! I am more grateful for you all every day and your examples of righteous living. Thanks for everything and have a great week!
Sestra Rhodes

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